Klein Dytham architecture created the event in Japan in 2003 as a way for young designers to meet, network and show their work. Each presenter shows 20 slide images for 20 seconds each, with six minutes and 40 seconds for each presentation—no go-backs, pauses or do-overs.
Some of Tacoma’s creative finest are set to present at Tacoma’s first PK Night. Volume 01 celebrates our hometown and 12 artists, musicians, designers, architects who influence it. The inaugural presenters include Jennifer Adams, Beautiful Angle, Oliver Dorris, Lisa Fruichantie, Elias Hansen, Rachel Moorehead, Chris Sharp, Michael Sullivan, Jennifer Weddermann-Hay, and Shannon Eakins and Marc Dombrosky.
For more information, visit www.pecha-kucha.org, then click on the link to Tacoma’s site. Email the organizer at pechakucha.tacoma@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to present at a future PKN.